
No regulatory ‘shortcuts’ for mining exploration in Nevada

Re: “Lawmakers need statewide lithium plan, says conservation group,” Feb. 20:

As a retired exploration geologist, I’ve noted multiple articles on the recent lithium boom to be misleading. Most recently, the article by the Nevada Current’s Jeniffer Solis presents a very misleading picture of the lithium “boom,” leaving the reader to believe that legislative and regulatory reforms are needed. Although there are certainly places where resource extraction should be prohibited, the vast majority of these are already withdrawn as wilderness areas, wildlife refuges, cultural sites and other off-limits sites.

The article begins by stating that there are more than 80 proposed lithium projects in Nevada, failing to note the status of any project. Currently one new lithium mine is under construction, and one project is in the process of mine permitting. A small number are conducting early-stage drilling under BLM and state permits. Most are simply lithium prospects staked by small companies or individuals. Many never reach the initial drill stage, and very few prove viable beyond initial drilling.

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