
India Cracks Down on Fake ‘Handmade’ Labels to Protect Artisans and Promote Authentic Crafts

Textiles Minister Piyush Goyal, addressing stakeholders within the textiles sector, unveiled a comprehensive strategy aimed at safeguarding India’s rich heritage of handicraft and handloom. Highlighting the government’s commitment, Goyal announced a crackdown on businesses falsely selling machine-made products as ‘Handmade in India.’ This move underscores the administration’s dedication to nurturing the authenticity of Indian crafts and providing a robust platform for artisans and farmers within the jute and cotton industries.

Protecting India’s Craft Heritage

In a significant push towards preserving the authenticity of Indian handicraft and handloom products, Textiles Minister Piyush Goyal has made it clear that the government will not tolerate the mislabeling of machine-made items as ‘Handmade in India.’ This decision comes amid concerns that such practices not only deceive consumers but also undermine the livelihoods of genuine artisans. By ensuring that only authentic handmade products bear this label, the government aims to protect and promote India’s cultural heritage. Furthermore, Goyal emphasized the importance of the Geographical Indication (GI) tags, such as those awarded to the Majuli masks and Narasapur crochet lace, in preserving the uniqueness of Indian crafts.

Empowering Artisans and Farmers

Goyal’s address also highlighted several government initiatives designed to support artisans and farmers. One key measure is the encouragement for artisans to register their businesses on the Government e-Marketplace (GeM), which will be facilitated without a registration fee. This step is expected to enhance the visibility of artisans, enabling them to reach a wider market and, consequently, improve their income. On the agricultural front, the government is prepared to procure jute and cotton at the Minimum Selling Price (MSP) if market prices fall below it. Additionally, efforts are being made to increase the production of these crops and provide quality seeds and fertilizers to ensure superior yields, aiming to strengthen the ‘Farm to Foreign’ export vision.

Global Ambitions for Indian Crafts

The minister’s strategy also includes plans to integrate GeM-registered businesses with major e-commerce platforms both within India and internationally. This initiative is geared towards amplifying the global footprint of Indian handicrafts and handlooms, enabling artisans to showcase their work on an international stage. By prioritizing the registration of businesses on foreign websites that focus on handicraft and handloom, the government aims to open new avenues for Indian artisans, thereby promoting the ‘Made in India’ brand on a global scale.

As India moves to fortify its handicraft and handloom sectors, the government’s recent announcements mark a pivotal step towards honoring and preserving the nation’s artisanal heritage. By tackling the issue of counterfeit ‘Handmade in India’ products, enhancing support for jute and cotton farmers, and providing artisans with platforms to reach wider markets, there is a renewed hope for the future of India’s traditional crafts. This approach not only aims to protect the livelihoods of countless artisans but also to position India as a global leader in authentic, handmade products.

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