
Sky, Air, Wind, Space pollution

Air pollution is basically the emission of various gases (greenhouse gases) and chemicals into the atmosphere that can degrade air quality and harm human health, animals, plants, and buildings also. It is one of the most serious environmental threats. Greenhouse gases absorb thermal radiation that is released from the Earth’s surface and re-emit back to the Earth’s surface, making them a primary contributor to climate change acceleration. Some other sources of sky or wind pollution include transport services, industrial pollution, biomass fuels, and agricultural productions.
Space pollution is caused by man-made objects sent into the air that forming trash over time. Space crafts materials with a high melting point, such as titanium, steel, ceramics, or massive or densely made items that enter into the atmosphere have a huge impact on the earth’s surface. Both manned and unmanned spacecraft, as well as the people on Earth, are at risk from space pollution.
Some major causes of sky/ air and space pollution are the following:
The burning of fossil fuels have a major contribution to the air/wind pollution
One source of air pollution is industrial and automobile exhaust fumes.
Dust storms natural burns are natural occurrences that contribute significantly to sky pollution.
Some household activities like smoking tobacco through cigarettes and use of bleach are also the cause of air pollution
Space pollution is caused by objects or tools lost during space operations and space travels such as cameras, waste bags, hammers, tools, and even an astronaut’s gloves and helmet.
We can reduce air pollution and its negative health effects by converting to renewable energy sources like wind and solar power and replacing more and more diesel fuel motor vehicles with electric ones. To reduce air pollution, policymakers should use a combination of creative regulations, monetary support, and investing in non-polluting, long-term technologies. Walke says “Support leaders who advocate for clean air and water, as well as responsible climate change action”
Prevention and cleanup help to minimize space pollution. Prevention aims to protect spaceships by shielding them and employing smart design approaches to reduce the effects of space junk. Cleanup aims to reduce the number of hazardous substances produced in space. To lower the amount of pollution in space, it is now too expensive to use space restoration or recovery on a regular basis.
Amazing Space Station and its impact on Planet
The space stations are construction project that is largest single building mankind has ever put into space. The goal of the space station is to enable long-term space research while also benefiting people on Earth. The list of some major space stations and their impact on the planet are following:
International space station (ISS): it is a technological and political milestone in worldwide human societies to design, plan, construct, operate, and use a technology platform in space. It’s the most recent step forward in humanity’s effort to explore and live in space.
(ISS) can be used in a variety of scientific fields, allowing us to keep improving life on the planet while also providing us with the experience and knowledge needed to travel to other worlds.
Earth-Star station: The earthstar space station was established on the Galaxy Frontier during the High Republic Era, and its huge size required a lot of effort and money. Because the area was difficult to navigate at the time, the station served as a beacon, sending out a signal that guides travelers in the right direction.
Skylab station: From the incomparable viewpoint of space, Skylab enabled a detailed study of our globe. It helps to know about how pollution affects space. Skylab was supposed to be a research platform in low-Earth orbit that would investigate human adaptation to long-duration spaceflight, observe the Sun, and keep an eye on the Earth.
A new mission is about to start with the goal of trying to clean up some of the garbage in orbit around the planet. The mission, dubbed ELSA-d, will test technology for capturing an object in low-Earth orbit. After that all space stations and missions a lot of debris available on this planet that needs more investigation and steps to clean up.

Sky Pollution lighting up the sky (light pollution)
Light pollution is the excess use of artificial light that can have major environmental effects for humans, wildlife, and our climate. Life on Earth has existed in a cycle of light and dark for three billion years, created only by the lights of the Sun, Moon, and stars. Artificial lights now breaking the natural day-night cycle and upsetting our environment’s natural balance that is harmful for human life, wildlife and for the climate also.
Some most important solutions for light pollutions are following
Avoid using indoor and outdoor lights at night
Dim or slow lighting that glare-free during driving at night
Try to avoid unnecessary use of LED bulbs
Using the colored lights only when needed
Climate change
Climate change is the change in the Earth’s climates locally, on the regional level, or worldwide scale, and is most typically used to refer to human-caused climate change. Global warming is basically the aspect of climate change in which a rise occurs in average temperature near the earth’s surface. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide concentrations have increased the level of climate change in at least t previous 800,000 years,” according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). New techniques are extracted, recognized, and exploited for estimating climate change.

A Philosophy to maintain a Greener way for everyone
According to a green policy “Humanity’s survival is dependent on a healthy natural environment. It is human activity that is damaging the environment and, eventually, the future of life on Earth as we know it. So every individual need to perform their own role for the sustainable environment”
Another philosophy to maintain a greener way for everyone “The Green New deal promotes the diversity of people’s relationships with one another and the natural world. Rather than emphasizing one process at the detriment of all others, it seeks a balance between a number of diverse processes that contribute to human well-being.”
Electric cars plan
Electric vehicles are more fuel-efficient than gasoline vehicles that play a very important role in climate change. Electric motors are more efficient than typical internal combustion engines that consume fossil fuels. Combustion engine vehicles must consume fossil fuel, and burning that gas results in carbon emissions. An electric car only requires electricity that has almost no exhaust emissions and have a significantly less environmental impact.

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