Animal Rights
Animal rights refers that animals have possession of their own survival and to be free of human use as well as torture that human not using animals for their own benefits. Animals should not be made to suffer unfairly. Animals, like people, have intrinsic ethical and legal rights. Animal rights is vital since numerous animals are used for pleasure, feed, medication, clothing, scientific advancement, and as domestic species all around the world that is unethical. Every animal is entitled to a comfortable life and enjoy in their own domains. According to Peter Singer, the fundamental principle of equality does not necessitate equal or identical treatment; rather, it necessitates equal consideration.
Animal rights includes that there will be no testing on animal means not using animals in research, not breed or kill animals for the purpose of food, apparel, or medication, not using animals for hard work, there will be no genetic modification for any cause apart from the animal’s advantage, not shooting animals also not using animals in parks for fun.
The idea of animal rights has constantly evolved for so many years. In 1635, the first animal abuse laws were introduced, preventing the cutting of wool from alive sheep. Martin’s Act, was passed in 1822 by Richard Martin that also known as “Humanity Dick” aimed at protecting cattle from abuse. Martin later became a founding member of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the world’s first animal welfare organization, which was founded in 1824.
The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) that signed in 1966 is the major federal animal protection statute, which specifically targets animals kept in zoos and research laboratories, as well as animals grown and sold legally, such as those in pet stores. Hunting, fishing, and trapping, as well as slaughter of animals, are not covered by the AWA. In 2010, the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act made it illegal to make “crush videos,” in which people mistreat, beat, and kill small animals like pets and rats for the amusement of viewers.

The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, which was signed into law in 2019, involves in further prohibits the fundamental animal abuse. The law forbids some of the most horrific forms of animal inhumane treatment, such as animal combustion, suffocation, and going to drown the animals. Agricultural and veterinary treatments that are “common practice and ordinary,” as well as the slaughter of animals for food, are some of the many limitations. Badly Treated Animals. People won’t know how animals are mistreated these days. Some examples of how the animals are badly treated shown below:
• Negligence: Negligence is defined as failing and provide enough protection to an animal, cause serious injury. Dogs are put outside to die from harsh weather. Summer’s scorching heat and the frigid winter months offer little respite for “backyard pets” e.g. dogs.
• Experiments on animals: More than 100 million animals are animals killed in laboratories each year for biological experiments, clinical experience, pure interest experimentation, and preservative, medicine, food, and skincare testing, including rats, rabbits, frogs, puppies, kittens, hamsters, foxes, sheep, monkeys, fish, and birds. In many cases, this is extremely uncomfortable for animals and is also the cause of death. So no experimenters use animals for research when valid non-animal research methods are available.
• Feathers removed from living birds: Feathers are removed from the skin of live birds. When the birds are restrained, the scared birds shout, sometimes with a human’s entire bodyweight bearing down on their tiny necks.
• Using animals for food purpose: Human making meat products necessitates the slaughter of animals for nourishment. This is particularly evident in the case of meat, leather, fur, and other goods derived from animal body. Fear and pain are felt by animals, as well as the loss of their lives. Animals are meant to be stunned first in several nations so that they don’t hurt, or at least suffer less, whenever they are killed.
• Using animals for entertainment: Circuses, zoos, films, wild life interactions, and other types of entertainment use a wide range of animals. When animals are caged, they suffer psychologically and physically. Animals, particularly large ones, require enough area to move, swim, and investigate. It treats animals in a way that violates their right to freedom and deprives them of their natural surroundings.
Some acts that improves animal life
Some acts that can be done to improve animal lives before being killed for food, bred, money and also for worked. These acts are following
• We must attempt to enhance the treatment of animals in the food and dairy industries by improving their living conditions before dying. We should endeavour to protect animals from unnecessary pain and death, and it is unethical for humans to cause such pain.
• Because workers lack the skills, knowledge, and resources to assure quality care, millions of agricultural animals suffer unnecessarily before and during killing. As a result, using ethical handling techniques that prevent animals from feeling pain, use restraint equipment correctly, to minimize stress on individual pigs so handle them in groups, blue lighting were installed to quiet the chickens and non-slip floors used to prevent animals from slipping and becoming harmed.
• Hunting is a violent and cruel kind of outdoor pleasure that annually kills hundreds of millions of animals, many of them are injured and suffer a horrible and painful death. Hunting completely destroys animal families and surroundings, leaving fearful young animals to starve to death. Hunting licenses are a source of revenue or money for state wildlife agencies. So it’s important to start an anti-hunting organization to help spread the news about hunters’ cruelty to wild animals.
• Our treatment of animals, such as the use of animals in experiments, reflects our values and shapes our actions as moral beings. It is the responsibility of researchers to employ minimum number animals as possible. Researchers must reduce the risk of pain and provide excellent animal care. Suffering Pain includes hunger, thirsty, undernutrition, severe temperature or heat, fear, pressure, damage, and illness. Researchers must consider the suffering caused by catching, labelling, hypnosis, reproduction, shipping, stabling, and killing before and after the experiment.
India respect animal like Cow
In religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, and Zoroastrianism, the respectful cow is revered as a sacred animal. Cows are holy to India’s huge Hindu population, but under Modi’s administration, the animal has become a political and religious issue. A Cow Development Cell established in India that states: “We’ll establish ‘cow shelters’ in cities, a ‘cow retirement’ to prevent farmers from selling aged animals to factory farms, and a ‘cow protection force’ to save cows.”
While other countries like US, Brazil, China and Pakistan killed cows for food purpose. Beef has been consumed by humans since ancient times and it consider as protein and nutrient-rich meat.
Monkeys are Sacred
Because of the famous monkey god Hanuman, indiums considers monkeys to be sacred. The Sacred Monkey Forest in Bali is home to a huge population who live around temples dedicated to the Hindu ideal of Karan, which encourages people to live in harmony with one another and with their surroundings.