The Cabarrus Art Guild is offering a new drawing series called “Language of the Artist.”
The five-class drawing series will be taught by O’Lynda Walker on Saturdays — April 6, April 13, April 20, April 27, May 4 — from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The cost is $150 for the full series for CAG members and $160 for non-members
This class will be held at the instructor’s home in Midland.
To register, email
Payment is due at the first class and will be cash only.
Walker believes that all art starts with understanding drawing. If you’re just now learning to draw or brushing up on basic drawing principles, these sessions are designed just for you.
Participants are presented with techniques in class and are given homework to continue practicing at home.
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While reviewing the basics, you’ll incorporate a variety of subjects, including landscapes, still life, figures and portraits. Weather permitting, some class time will be spent drawing outside.
During the five weeks, the students will review lines, shapes, perspectives, foreshadowing, scale of values, texture and color.
Classes are kept small so Walker can work individually with each participant. This also allows participants to be challenged regardless of skill level.
Be sure to bring something for lunch and a snack during class.
A prior student said, “I took drawing classes in college and have to say that O’Lynda has a way of communicating the principles well. I learned so much and highly recommend this class.”
Walker studied Fine Art at MSCW in Columbus, Mississippi, and later earned her BFA in Interior Design from the University of Georgia. After 35 years in interior design, Walker now spends her time creating art through traditional and water-soluble oils, pastels, watercolors and glass. She manages the Plein Air group for Cabarrus Art Guild, Concord.
For more information, go to
Give to the Cabarrus Arts Council: Help keep art alive in our community through a donation of any size. Visit cabarrus
This week
Kid Krafters — Wednesday, March 13, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Join us this month as we make a variety of “wearable art” bracelets. We’ll learn how to make bracelets with woven yarn, plastic straws, and even make our own paper beads! Free; Ages 6-11; No Registration Required; Concord Library; 27 Union Street N; For more information or to register, visit
Mizz Ember and Guerilla Poets on Stage at the Davis Theatre of Cabarrus Arts Council – Thursday, March 14, 7 p.m. Discover your neighbors doing something beautiful! Two local/regional acts, one stage, one community forming through the arts. Join us! Mizz Ember Presents: Love Fractures — This Mizz Ember featuring Trey Jackson performance will display how society has a fractured point of view on Black Love. This performance involves poetry, stimulating visuals, and sensual, smooth dancing. We invite you to join us on a night about Love. Guerilla Poets Presents: Cell Block Stories — Take a peek on the inside of Detention Centers and the life of the individuals in incarceration. Local poets in Charlotte took poems created by residents of Detention Facilities through a poetry program with Guerilla Poets and turned them into spoken word poetry videos with live performances woven throughout so we may bring the residents’ stories to the public. The audience will have a chance to respond to the poems showcased through writing and we will take the letters to the residents to show support. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit
CAG Class: Krazy Critters with Susan Lackey on Saturday, March 16, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a relaxed class where anything goes. Pick a critter, any critter … dog, cat, horse, turtle, giraffe, whatever. Let’s have some fun making up crazy whimsical facial expressions for them. You will create one or two paintings, following Susan’s easy, step-by-step process. So, grab your paints and let’s get going. We promise that you will chuckle the whole time you are creating. A supply list is provided so read it carefully. Susan Lackey has been painting and teaching painting for many years. Her work is frequently on display in area galleries and proudly hangs in both private and corporate collections. Susan’s most current work can be found at; Class cost $100; ages 18 and older; registration required; registration closes March 11. Follow this link for the supply list, or to register for the class: ; ClearWater Arts Center & Studio; 223 Crowell Drive, NW; For more information, visit
Next week!
Women’s History Month Keynote Speaker Katherine Reay – Monday, March 18, 6-7 p.m. National Bestselling and award-winning author Katherine Reay will discuss her new book, “The Berlin Letters”, and talk about women in history. Paperback copies will be available for purchase and signing. This event is sponsored by The Friends of the Mt. Pleasant Library in conjunction with the Eastern Cabarrus Historical Society Museum by a grant from the Grassroots Art Program of the NC Arts Council, a State Agency, and the Cabarrus Arts Council. Teen and Adult; FREE; No Registration Required; Mount Pleasant Library; 8556 Cook St; For more information, visit
Unspoken Tradition on Stage at the Davis Theatre of Cabarrus Arts Council — Friday, March 22, at 8 p.m. Join us at the Davis Theatre for Unspoken Tradition, a new original Bluegrass. Inspired by their own influences and the roots of traditional and newgrass music, this North Carolina-based quintet brings a sound that is both impassioned and nostalgic, hard-driving and sincere. Their material reflects the ever-changing culture of Western and Central North Carolina where they call home. The band has earned a fervent following in the Southeast, selling-out shows in Asheville, as well as the legendary Station Inn in Nashville, TN. They have also performed twice on the coveted Watson (main stage) at MerleFest. With heavy airplay on Sirius XM’s Bluegrass Junction and ever-growing streaming numbers, Unspoken Tradition is a fast-rising voice of a new generation of roots music artists. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit
New CAG Class: Landscapes in Wool — Saturday, March 23, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Have you seen needle felting and wondered how they created such gorgeous, textured designs in wool? It involves a special felting needle being used to stab and agitate wool fibers so they join and bond together. And a great thing about the process is, it’s relaxing, creative, and just plain fun. As you work your scene begins to develop, ending in an enchanting design. The process is easy to learn, and you’ll have your choice of three designs. The kit includes all the materials and tools necessary to complete your chosen design and includes a full spectrum of wool rovings. Lynn has extensive experience in a variety of fabric art and has studied Textile Design with a minor in Art History across the country. She is excited to share her experience with others showing off the distinctive style of wool felting. Class Cost: $40 CAG Members, $45 Non-Members. Materials Cost: $30 for a kit that has everything you need to complete your project. Includes: the pattern, a 9 x 12 wool base, a felting pad, felting needles, needle holders and wool rovings. You will have enough materials to get started on another project at home. Registration Required; The instructor will provide details to pay by Zelle, Venmo, or check at the time of registration; To Register: Send an email to Lynn Cavanaugh at; Please note Location: 320 Copperfield Blvd, Suite 2, Concord, NC (Follow signs for Resurgence Neuro Therapy); For more information, visit
Internationally acclaimed performer and choreographer, Dr. Maha Gingrich presents 21st anniversary of Dances of India on Saturday, April 6, at 4 p.m. Join us to celebrate thousands of years old history and culture of India. Choreographer Dr. Maha Gingrich and a large ensemble of dancers present classical and folk dances. Stories brought to life exquisitely through dance dramas, costumes, and masks. The signature dance, “Unity in Diversity,” is set to enthralling international dance styles and live music. Tickets required; performance cost: $15; all ages; Kannapolis Performing Arts Center, 415 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive; For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

The next Concord Art Walk is set for Saturday, April 6, in downtown Concord.
CAG Class: Simple Negative Painting in Acrylics with Susan Lackey on Saturday, April 20, 10 a.m. to noon. In this class, “negative” is good. It means that you will paint around your subject to create and develop it, creating a unique image. Susan will demonstrate, then lead you through a series of very simple steps. You will finish with shading and embellishment to your design. You may elect to work in an expressively realistic or slightly abstracted manner. A supply list is provided so read it carefully. Susan Lackey has been painting and teaching painting for many years. Her work is frequently on display in area galleries and proudly hangs in both private and corporate collections. Class cost: $60; registration required; registration closes April 15. Follow this link for the supply list, or to register for the class: ; ClearWater Arts Center & Studio; 223 Crowell Drive, NW; For more information, visit
CAG Class: Tips and Tricks for Pastel Painting – Saturday, April 27, 1-4 p.m. Have you ever considered trying a new medium? Or possibly you’ve tried pastels in the past and encountered problems? This three-hour workshop will jumpstart your pastel skills and increase your enjoyment of this exciting, versatile medium. Bring your questions! Malia will discuss several topics in the class including translating a photo into a pastel painting, application methods and materials for successful outcomes. Malia will provide the pastel paper but please bring pastels. Bryngelson is a pastel artist from Locust. Exploring the study of color and new mark-making techniques are the current themes of her work. Malia has studied pastel painting with many nationally known pastel artists. Malia’s award-winning work has been included in state and national exhibitions. Class Cost: $45 CAG members/$50 non-members; Materials Cost: no additional cost. Please bring your pastels. Registration Required; Adults; To Register: Send an email Malia at; Instructor will provide details to pay by check at time of registration; Please note Location: 320 Copperfield Blvd, Suite 2, Concord, NC (Follow signs for Resurgence Neuro Therapy); For more information, visit
The Swanee Theatre is the place to be for moving and grooving through your week! Mark your calendars! Kannapolis Parks and Recreation is offering several dancing opportunities for all to enjoy: Mondays — Free Line Dancing, 6-8 p.m.; Tuesdays — Free Dance. Walk. Party. A Fitness experience! 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Wednesdays — Shag Dancing, $5/Person 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Come out to any or all of these events to make new friends and Discover a Healthy Life in Kannapolis. No registration needed, just come join the fun! For more information, visit
Open Mic — Spotlight Series Every fourth Thursday from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Come join us for this incredible spotlight series and open mic! Sign up to share on the mic at the event, free to the public and best coffee in town! Feb. 22 — Featuring Clarity; March 28 — Featuring Rocky Little; April 25 — Featuring Sidekick; May 23 — Featuring Lady V Poetry; June 27 — Featuring Frank Expressions; free; no registration required; Wired Coffee Express, 469 N. Cannon Blvd.; For more information, visit
After School and Adult Art Classes in drawing, painting, pottery and sculpture. After school classes from 4:30-6:30 p.m. and adult classes from 6-8 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday one day per week for six weeks. For more information, call 704-786-8570.
North Carolina Music Hall of Fame — The North Carolina Music Hall of Fame Museum is a safe, fun, and touch-free visit for your friends and family! The museum is open to the public Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m., closed noon to 1 p.m. for lunch. Reserve your visit at Make A Reservation — North Carolina Music Hall Of Fame, 600 Dale Earnhardt Blvd., Kannapolis.
Open Art Day — Every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring your lunch and drink, bring a project you are working on and your supplies. Or bring work you’d like to share and discuss. This is a working, weekly meeting, each Tuesday, to work with and share with artists and like-minded people who appreciate creativity. ClearWater Arts Center & Studios (223 Crowell Drive, NW, Concord) — enter through the double glass doors facing Kerr Street, called the Greenway Gallery). For more information, go to
Caffeinate with Creatives — Every Second Saturday, 10-11 a.m. The Concord area is filled with artists of all kinds, let’s take some time to get to know each other. Join us every second Saturday for coffee and creative conversations. All artists are welcome; no registration; free, coffee for purchase; ClearWater Arts Center & Studios (223 Crowell Drive, NW, Concord). For more information, visit
Plein Air with the CAG — Calling all artists. First timers welcome. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the things, you think you need, this is a very informal gathering, and your fellow artists are happy to help. Reach out to get on the mailing list for various events. Has the idea or the fun of Plein Air ever fascinated you? Well first off, to explain, Plein air is a French term meaning, “denoting or in the manner of a 19th-century style of painting outdoors, or with a strong sense of the open air, that became a central feature of French impressionism.” Some famous Plein air painters were amongst the most impressive painters from history including Monet, Homer and Sargent. Within the Cabarrus Art Guild, a group of Plein air painters have banded together to enjoy the lovely North Carolina Piedmont and surrounding sites via Plein air. They have named themselves, “Dusty Road Painters” and meet to explore the indoors (inclement weather) and outdoors that offer countless opportunities to express one’s artistic curiosity and passion. Have questions or interested in joining this free group of adventurous artists? Reach out to Plein Air Chair, O’Lynda Walker at Free. For more information, visit
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Course Offerings — Continuing Education courses available with Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. In addition to career courses, we also offer personal enrichment courses. Call 702-216-7222 or register online at The following link is continually updated with new course offerings: