Human Rights
Human rights are the fundamental rights and liberties that every individual on the planet has from birth to death. The right to life is the most basic human right, and it extends to most of those aspects that make life meaningful, such as food, education, employment, general well-being, and freedom. These rights provide us respect and urge us to treat others with respect as well, such as kindness, honesty, and equality. The Human Rights Program conveys a planet where everyone can have the liberty to enjoy all of their human rights equally and live with honor. Human rights include:
Political rights: A person’s right to participate in their community’s democratic life without unequal treatment or injustice. These include the freedom to vote, privacy rights, and the right to free speech and liberty from torturing.
Societal rights: An individual’s ability to succeed and grow as well as participate in community activities. The right related to health, educational rights, and the right to employment are all included in this category.
Collective rights: Rights that apply to groups of people as well as individuals. For example, collective rights to the homeland are held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Following the human rights abuses of World War II, human rights law became a top priority for the world community, which resulted in the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948. That’s the first attempt to write out all the basic rights and freedoms that all individuals share on a worldwide scale. Declares this UDHR as a common benchmark for all peoples and nations, and considers that everyone trying to keep this Declaration in mind for continuously promoting their rights.
When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is associated with the two covenants – the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – an International Bill of Rights is created. ICCPR addresses problems such as the right to life, individual liberty, religious practice, and voting. Food, education, health, and shelter are among the topics addressed by the ICESCR. Both covenants declare that all people have equal rights and that inequality is prohibited.
Non-government officials have often been supporters of human rights around the world. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in particular have played a huge role in bringing human rights issues to the attention of the world community.
Men Rights
Men’s rights groups in societies have modified and grown throughout time. The ‘men’s liberation movement arose in response to second-wave feminism in the 1970s, with the goal of providing a critical awareness of masculinity’s norms. Men’s Rights groups represent an ideology and worldwide campaign that seeks to examine and stop women’s gains at so many levels, arguing that these gains were made at the expense of men. Family law (such as child custody, alimony, and marital property division), family abuse against males, education, employment, social welfare, and health policies are all part of the men’s rights movement.
Women Rights
Equal rights for men and women, as well as the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, are basic human rights and UN values. The most serious, persistent, and neglected violation of basic human rights is discrimination and violence against women and girls around the entire globe. Because of inequality, certain issues create domestic and sexual violence, poor salaries, low levels of education, and insufficient health services that women and girls face. Rape is used as a tool of violence all around the world. The woman’s rights for which protesters have worked throughout history and continue today are:
Right to vote: People began to protest for women’s voting rights during the 19th and early 20th centuries. New Zealand became the first country in the world to grant women the right to vote nationally in 1893. Women’s voting rights are now recognized as a right under the UN International law commission of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979). After all these efforts some countries still not giving proper political rights to women e.g. Syria. :
Reproductive Health Rights: This means women get equal healthcare access such as safe abortions, as well as the freedom to select whether, when, and with whom they marry. They can also choose whether or not to have children, or even if, how many, when, and with whom. For example, Amnesty International has helped women and girls in African countries (Burkina Faso) in their battle against forced marriage.
The Right to Move: Women also have the right to move anywhere according to their choice not only within the country but also outside anywhere. For example, in Saudi Arabia, a successful push to enable women to drive, which had previously been prohibited for decades, has recently been launched.
Children Rights
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1992, outlines all of the rights that children and young people under the age of 18 have. Children’s rights demonstrate that children must be treated equally and fairly, honesty, and kindly, not as “future adults” but as human beings today. Children’s rights include Wellbeing, schooling, home life, leisure and entertainment, appropriate living standards, and protection from violence and damage. Some basic principles for a child’s rights are:
Non-discrimination: It shows that all children, at all times, have the same opportunity to reach their full potential. For example, regardless of the child’s gender, age, language, nationality, or culture, every child should have equal educational opportunities.
The right to survive: Ensuring that children have access to basic needs and equal opportunities to develop fully. A child with a disability, for example, should have adequate access to school and health care to reach their full potential.
The child’s point of view: always listen carefully and respectfully to the child’s point of view. Those in positions of authority, for example, should engage with children before making decisions that have an impact on them.

Human Rights Violation
A violation of human rights is the denial of the freedom of opinion and action to which all humans are lawfully entitled. Individuals can break these rights, but it is more common for civilization’s leadership or government to dismiss vulnerable communities. Human rights violations are at the basis of conflict and insecurity, which leads to more human rights violations. When a state violates human rights, authorities, courts, investigators, government officials, and others are all involved. Violation can be police violence, the right to a fair trial can also be violated without physical violence. People continuously Face Serious Human Rights Violations on a Daily Basis, Despite UN Progress in Recognizing Rights. Some issues are discussed below:
Genocide, human rights violation UN: In 1993, the United Nations Security Council established a peacekeeping mission in Rwanda. Despite this change, Rwanda had the clearest case of genocide in 1994, when 800,000 people were killed in a course of about 100 days. Genocide is the most severe crime against human rights that can be committed. The United Nations’ actions in Rwanda show a shocking failure to preserve absolute rights, such as the Rwandan people’s right to be free from genocide.