Planet Earth
Earth is the only platform inside the entire universe where Life has been discovered. Earth is the third planet from the sun and the 5th biggest planet in our planetary system. It’s the only single planet that possessing liquid water on its surface for living organisms.
Misuse of Earth planet
Natural resources on the earth supply us to create food and maintain good lifestyles. Land, water, wildlife, and plants are all-natural resources. We can’t grow food without water and soil, and enjoying healthy life is much more difficult if the water is polluted and the soil has been depleted of all the essential minerals that make it productive. We are destroying our home, the earth, by misusing it to develop atomic weapons, pesticides, and destroying its natural resources through deforestation and poisoning.
Atomic Bombs
The breaking, or splitting, of the nuclei of a heavy material such as plutonium or iron, releases a huge amount of heat energy that destroys the building as well as human life on earth’s planet. Some major impacts of atomic bombs are following:
The explosion of an atomic bomb has had severe impacts on mankind. Humans can be harmed directly by the shock wave by fracturing eardrums or lungs, but most deaths are caused by collapsing buildings and flying particles.
Large volumes of neutron and gamma radiation are released during nuclear explosions. Starting rays are only a significant source of injuries and death.
A strong wave of heat radiation from a single blast can start fires and burn skin over wide areas. The fires started by the explosion can sometimes turn into a firestorm, making it impossible for survivors to run.
Thermal radiation’s extreme heat causes everything in its way to ignite, including animals, trees, buildings, and people. Many of those who survived radiation or burns developed cancers as a result of the radiation.
Radioactive particles can travel from the site of an atomic bomb attack and pollute bodies of water, causing serious harm to aquatic life such as fish.
Pesticides are any chemical substance used to control, kill, repel, or minimize the existence of insects. Pesticides are not only harmful to the environment, but they are also dangerous for human health. Some major impacts of using pesticides on earth, human beings, and the environment are following:
Many laborers and citizens, especially in rural communities, interacted with pesticides regularly, which leading to the increased risk of poisoning. This exposure has the potential to have neurobehavioral impacts for example mood disorders, depression, and anxiety.
The pesticide used to commit suicide is common in several nations, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Pesticides are usually lightly regulated and easily accessible, especially among poor nations.
Pesticides are kept in the human body’s colon, where they harm the body slowly but gradually. People may not understand it, but when they eat non-organic food, they are also inhaling over 30 pesticides that have also been applied, even when they washed it. This has a gradual but significant impact on health.
When pesticides are applied in high amounts, they poison surface and groundwater that harming the flora and fauna and prohibiting trees and shrubs from absorbing essential nutrients. The pollution of local water bodies is also produced by pesticide leakage. For example, six rivers in Kenya’s Lake Victoria groundwater flow transport pollutants to the lake.
Pesticides can also be affected by soil conditions. Thick sands and crushed stones have higher flow capabilities in proportion to soil type, and water tends to penetrate through the soil and reach groundwater. Water tends to flow off and end up in streams and lakes. As a result, pesticides have an impact on the soil.
Deforestation is the elimination of a forest or trees from land to convert it into non-forest areas. Forests cover approximately 31% of the Earth’s land surface. Every year, approximately 15 billion trees are destroyed around the world. It’s not sustainable for wildlife, people, or the environment. The impact of deforestation is following:
Deforestation also contributes significantly to climate change and greenhouse gases. Deforestation in the tropics accounts for nearly 20% of annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Its most noted impact of deforestation is its threat to biodiversity. From animal species to birds, insects, reptiles, or plants, the forest is home to many unique and delicate organisms. Forests are home to 80% of the world’s land animals and plants.
52 percent of the land is utilized for food production, so deforestation causes a lack of rich, nutritious soil that can result in low production and food shortages.
The soil will most likely grow more unstable as a result of deforestation, making the area more susceptible to environmental hazards such as floods and landslides.
Modernized World that includes industrial advancement has significantly improved the quality of our lives, but they have also contributed significantly to the poisoning of the planet. Litter, chemicals, and other harmful products have populated our land, air, and water as the world’s population continues to grow and consume. Different contaminants and human activities endangering the environment and causing poisoning. Some earth poisoning is:
The health of human populations has always depended on the quality water available on the earth. In the middle Ages, unclean water sources and raw sewage resulted in diseases in the quality of water.
“According to the World Health Organization, 12 million people – one in every four – die every year as a result of illness caused by ‘air, water, and soil pollution, chemical exposures, climate change, and UV radiation,’ which are all caused by poisoning on earth.”

The deaths of honeybees due to agricultural pesticides have created global worry as well as all insect life – including the birds, frogs, and fish rely on environmental cleanliness.
Protect Earth for our Children
Water plays a vital role in life on earth. So it’s very important that not wastewater and safe clean water for future kids. It’s important to incorporate the three “R’s” (reduce, reuse, and recycle) habits in daily activities in order to protect natural resources and landfill space for our children. Also, raise awareness and understanding of the worth and necessity of our natural resources. It is essential to prohibit deforestation habits because trees supply food and oxygen. They aid in energy conservation, air purification, and climate change mitigation. So that we can provide a safe atmosphere for children.
Non-toxic chemicals should be used in the home, office, and industries. Crop production practices that attracted predators or parasites that killed pests were implemented in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system, which lowers the number of pesticides used. It’s very necessary to save our organic resources from toxic chemicals for future children.
Don’t buy bottled water. Instead of using plastic grocery bags, opt for reusable bags. Instead of using a plastic cup, drink from a reusable one. Plastic avoidance can save a lot of waste from the oceans and landfills and help to reserve resources for future generations.
Earth Law Center: Defenders of Nature’s Rights
The Earth Law Center (ELC) has developed a novel legal solution to help stimulate, link, and enhance present environmental preservation initiatives. Earth Law includes legal rights for the environment and offers local communities and indigenous groups a better say in environmental choices. Several solutions that ELC offers are following:
Developing guidance, on how to include ocean rights into marine protected area management and take a comprehensive, systems-based approach to governance.
Working with the High Seas Alliance to guarantee that the impending international agreement on high seas biodiversity incorporates ocean rights.
Forming a joint committee within the International Union for Conservation of Nature to undertake pilot initiatives to put the Earth Law Framework for Marine Protected Areas into practice.