
Youtube Slow: YouTube Slow Today? Users Flag Video Buffering Issues

Users are reporting video buffering issues on YouTube today, with a noticeable slowdown in performance. As of 2 p.m. EDT, Downdetector has received over a thousand reports, primarily concerning video streaming. Additionally, numerous users have turned to social media to highlight these problems. Despite the widespread complaints, YouTube has yet to respond to the reports.

Users are reporting video buffering issues on YouTube today, with a noticeable slowdown in performance. As of 2 p.m. EDT, Downdetector has received over a thousand reports, primarily concerning video streaming.

Additionally, numerous users have turned to social media to highlight these problems.

One individual expressed frustration on X, stating, “Of all the days for Youtube to kill my upload and slow it down, it had to be this day init? ffs, todays been a nightmare.”

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